
Pakistan to raise Yasin’s conviction with world bodies: Shehbaz

Meanwhile, the Senate passed a resolution urging the international community to force India to drop all fabricated charges against all political leaders of India-held Kashmir (IHK), including Mr Malik, and ensure their safety and well-being.

On the other hand, Mushaal Malik, the wife of Yasin Malik, held a press conference asking Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan to extend the date of his long march by a day and hold a countrywide demonstration for the safety of Mr Malik.

In a tweet, Prime Minister Sharif said Pakistan rejected India’s failed tactics against Yasin Malik, who was a symbol of unparalleled bravery and freedom. He urged the international community, including the United Nations and the Human Rights Council, to take note of India’s extrajudicial measures.

The prime minister said the government of Pakistan would highlight India’s actions against Malik and other Kashmiri leaders at all international forums, including human rights bodies and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

PM Sharif further said that the case against Yasin Malik was unlawful as were the illegal measures of Aug 5, 2019, and pointed out that India was following a deliberate plan to overthrow the real leadership representing Kashmiris. He said the Indian government, which was afraid of the body of Syed Ali Geelani, also feared Malik, a great symbol of Kashmir.

Extend protest

In her press conference, Ms Malik said: “I appeal to Imran Khan with folded hands that extend the PTI long march by one day and come out on the streets to save the life of my husband, who has sacrificed his whole life for the freedom of Kashmir.”

“Imran sahib you are a friend of my husband, extend your dharna (sit-in) for one day, nothing will happen,” she pleaded.

She urged all political parties to shun their differences and raise their voice against the possible capital punishment of Mr Malik.

Senate resolution

Later, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution urging the international community to counsel India to drop all fabricated charges against all political leaders of IHK, including Yasin Malik.

It said the Indian government should arrange a meeting of the Hurriyat leader with his spouse, Mushaal Malik, and their 10-year-old daughter.

The Senate also passed another resolution, expressing solidarity with the family of Hurriyat leader Malik.

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