
NSC statement did not include the word ‘conspiracy’: DG ISPR

RAWALPINDI: Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director-General Major General Babar Iftikhar Thursday clarified that the word “conspiracy” was not used in the statement issued after a meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) last month.

Addressing a press conference on the recently held 79th Formation Commanders’ Conference, the DG ISPR said he cannot discuss what was discussed in the meeting, but noted that the word “conspiracy” was not used.

He, however, said that the stance of the military leadership was conveyed in the meeting as well as the statement issued after it. “Whatever the meeting concluded is present in the statement.”

He said that Pakistan’s military agencies are working day and night against such plots and will not let them get successful.

Did ISI work on the cypher?

In response to a question, the DG ISPR said the “cyphers” are top-secret documents that are sent to the Foreign Office by Pakistani ambassadors from across the world.

“…we also receive some of these [cyphers] at the directorate of the Inter-Services Intelligence that is considered to be related to national security,” the military’s spokesperson said.

ISI had started its work when the cypher was received on March 7 or 8, and based on that, it gave its input to the NSC, the DG ISI said, but noted that cyphers come under the domain of the Foreign Office and only those related to the national security were shared with the military.

COAS Gen Bajwa does not want an extension: DG ISPR

“He [Gen Bajwa] will retire on time on November 29, 2022,” Major Gen Iftikhar said. The DG ISPR asked political parties and the public not to drag the Pakistan Army into politics.

He said any effort to create a rift between people and the armed forces is against national interest. The military’s spokesperson welcomed constructive criticism but pointed out that a “malicious campaign” is being run against the army and its leadership.

Major Gen Iftikhar said that the formation commanders expressed confidence in the steps taken for the country’s security, especially on account of international security and the Pakistan Army’s role in upholding the rule of law.

“All of them agreed that democracy, the strength of institutions and rule of law and all the institutions working within the constitutional limits is the guarantor of national interest,” he said.

Major Gen Iftikhar went on to say that the nation’s support is the core of the army’s strength and without it, the concept of national security is meaningless.

He said that that is why any intentional or unintentional effort that becomes the reason for creating a rift between the nation and armed forces is against the broader national interest.

‘Organised malicious propaganda’

Responding to another question, he reiterated that the army has nothing to do with politics. “There is no such thing as neutral.”

He said that the word neutral doesn’t appropriately describe the army’s stance. Instead, the word apolitical does it better.

“There is no interference by the army in any by-election or local bodies election.” He said that claims were made that “calls were received”, therefore, evidence should be brought to the fore if there is any.

“An organised malicious propaganda is being run against the Pakistan Army and its leadership. Even fake audio messages of different retired senior military officials are being created using a deep-fake technology to create a divide between the nation and armed forces.

“This is illegal, unethical and totally against national interest,” he said.

He then requested the public and political parties to not drag the army into politics.

“We want to stay out of it. Keep us out of this discourse,” he said, adding that this campaign didn’t get successful ever in the past nor will it in future.

BBC report on events leading to no-confidence motion

Responding to a question about the BBC report on events that took place at the Prime Minister’s House on the night of Imran Khan’s ouster from power, Maj Gen Iftikhar said that it is a “false story” and nothing but a pack of lies”.

“The army has nothing to do with the political process that took place a few days back in the country,” he iterated. “Do not drag the army into political matters.”

On the ongoing propaganda against the security forces, the DG ISPR said that the concerned departments of the government were taking action against it and maintained that they have also traced foreign linkages during the probe into the malicious campaign.

“We have collected data around the malicious campaign against institutions. The campaigns started locally and have expanded globally. We will share our analysis in the coming days.”

He also urged the people to avoid sharing such reports without confirming them.

‘There will never be martial law in Pakistan’

Maj Gen Iftikhar asked the political leadership to not malign the army chief and termed it unfortunate as the leader of an institution — that keeps working for Pakistan’s security — is defamed.

Moving on, the DG ISPR said the military had a lot on its plate already and was busy tackling the preexisting issues. “We cannot get involved in something else and dragging us into something else and blaming us for it is not justified.”

Maj Gen Iftikhar said the military would “absolutely not” impose martial law, noting that democracy was the only way forward for Pakistan — and the COAS has time and again maintained this.

“There will never be martial law in Pakistan […] as the country’s progress lies in democracy,” he said.

US ‘did not’ ask for military bases

While responding to the question about former prime minister Khan’s statement about providing military bases, Major General said that no such demand had been made on any level.

“However, the army would have the same stance of ‘absolutely not’ in case the military bases were asked for.”

The DG ISPR also categorically rejected the “rumours” about any political leadership meeting the army chief or his representative in Pakistan or outside.

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